понедельник, 19 октября 2015 г.

The rule Stock Market Insiders Are Richer than European Royalty!

The rule Stock Market Insiders Are Richer than European Royalty!

I was watching Oprah the other night. She was covering the reality of the crappy lie called the American Dream that says just work hard and everything will be Peachey keen in the land of the free and the home of the brave. She pointed out that 1% of the U.S. population now control 40% of the all American wealth. If you are not born into that 1% today, she pointed out, then it is much harder today to work your way into it. You have to work a lot more hours for a lot less pay and your extra hours are just making the 1% richer. Meanwhile if you have the right connections especially if you are able to enter that special band of thieves called corporate insiders and play your corporate politics right then you are instantly propelled to the top. Today with our hideously corrupt corporate governance system supported by divisions of corporate attorneys serving insiders and paid by unwitting public Joe shareholders membership pops you right into Oprahs 1%.

So what can you do if you werent born into the Johnson & Johnson family and dont have a richer than God old money American dream trust fund? The answer is you have to learn to buy very low and sell very high like the robber barons did in the 1800s. I know times are tough on the American middle class but there are ways for you to get ahead. First of all you have to stop chasing pipe dreams. Ignore the get rich schemes like multilevel marketing, derivatives, and real estate short selling junk people will bring your way all endorsed by some major public figure that make the con artist at the top rich to suck you in.

Learn to take your financial future in your own to hands and make the market pay you. How do you do this? Well, first you have to stop thinking like a cow. Most people in the public make all of their opinions based on what the group has decided is right. You have to stop doing this and take the attitude that the public as a group is a pretty stupid mass of livestock heading up the cattle chute into the inside corporate executives financial slaughter house. Right now the chute is closed because the stock market has recently crashed making stocks cheap insiders are loading up while the media is strangely bereft of stock market rags to riches dreams it hyped up to suck people in to the market in 2000 when insiders were dumping on the public.

Learn to get really excited about the market when everyone hates it. Right now the stock market has crashed and you dont hear any good news out there. Ever wonder why? The big forces behind Wall Street, the secret buying consortiums, the inside corporate executives, and the experienced individual investors who are smart enough to know to buy, buy, buy when stock prices are extremely low and the Wall Street media machine is strangely quiet. There are a lot of really good companies out there at extremely low prices ripe for you to buy, buy, buy!!!

Original pictures take http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-40-stock-market-terms-that-every-beginner-should-know-2017-2?utm_content=buffer334d6&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer site

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